What should you expect from insurance companies when trying to deal with them on your own? They will minimize what you went through and what you may go through in the future as a result of your injuries and insurance claim. They minimize your injuries and damages in order to pay you as little money as possible in return for you signing a written release of your personal injury claim. The less money paid out to injured claimants means a better bottom line for the insurance company.
If you want to try to handle your injury claim on your own, you can. If successful, you can save yourself a chunk of money. Having a lawyer represent you usually results a significantly larger settlement. And going alone against a large, well-funded insurance company is not any fun and requires time and energy and some acceptance of risk. However, people do settle their own claims especially smaller claims.
If you decide to do it alone, please know of the following insurance company arguments that you will probably encounter and how to challenge those arguments.
How to respond to advocate for yourself:
How to respond:
How to respond:
Hiring an experienced injury attorney usually results in significantly more money in settlement, such that the lawyer more than pays for him or herself. Having a lawyer represent you in your insurance claim also provides peace of mind in dealing with insurance companies, or others, trying to get a piece of your settlement. If, however, you wish to do it alone, be aware of the above “insurance company strategies”, and how to challenge them.
If you have questions, or want to talk about your injury claim, please email or call! We are happy to talk through any and all aspects of your injury claim so that you are comfortable with how it ultimately proceeds.