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Blue Semi-Truck driving on a highway

Has a Semi-Truck Accident Impacted Your Life?

No matter what side of a truck accident you’re on in Colorado, the injury and resulting medical bills can be staggering. Don’t let the aftermath of an 18-wheeler, big rig, or commercial truck accident take away your ability to reclaim your life. Let’s work together to get the compensation you deserve.

Our personalized approach to semi-truck accidents

Every semi-truck accident case deserves a thorough approach and an attorney willing to fight on your behalf. That means we don’t just seek damages; we’re willing to collect evidence and go to trial for you.

While we treat every truck wreck case individually, there are five standards you can expect from Chris Parks Law:

  1. Compassion and experience - We’re on your side.
  2. Swift action - We gather evidence and hire experts when needed.
  3. Aggressive litigation - We’re ready to go to court on your behalf.
  4. Personal representation - You’re not just another case to us.
  5. Financial protection - You pay no fees unless we win.
“A few years ago, I sat with a trucker over dinner to prepare him for his deposition the next day. We had just visited the scene of his accident where he turned left on a highway with 80,000 pounds of frac sand in his trailer…in the middle of the night.  The next thing he knew, his trailer was flying sideways. Until an attorney has represented a truck driver in a three-truck accident involving severe injuries and extensive property damage, it is hard for him to understand the nuances of a trucking case.

In my 30 years of practicing law, 28 have been dedicated exclusively to representing the injured, but my time working for insurance companies gave me a graduate-level education that I could not have achieved by any other means. If you have been injured in an 18-wheeler accident, I urge you to find a lawyer that understands and appreciates what it takes to defend a trucker, trucking company, or trucking insurance company.  I have that level of experience; I know the trucking business and how the other side thinks. I will be happy to talk to you about your case, free of charge. My guess is, I can help you.”
~ Chris Parks

Types of semi-truck cases we handle:

  • Head-on collisions
  • Distracted driving
  • Drunk driving
  • Rear-end collisions

Economic Damages you can recover after a Colorado truck accident

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Property/Vehicle damage
  • Lost wages and future lost income

Non-Economic Damages you can recover after a Colorado truck accident

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of Affection or Companionship

Suffering after an injury?

If you or a loved one have been injured in a semi-truck accident, Chris Parks Law will help you get the compensation you deserve without any upfront cost. Fill out the form or call us at 720-805-1193 to schedule your free consultation and tell us about your case today.


What happens if I have an accident while driving a personal vehicle for work?
Does an accident in a work vehicle affect personal insurance?
Should I call my insurance company after I’ve been in an accident?
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